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Crush Your Divorce® · #crushyourdivorce®

Crush Your Divorce® · #crushyourdivorce®

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The Difference

"Bree Sullivan saved my life. In the darkest part of my 46 year life she became my lighthouse and turned the lights off on the opposing ships. I am forever indebted to her and her team. If you are open, honest and forthcoming with her from the beginning there is no mountain she will not climb for you. She will not not be intimidated by any of the so called pit bull lawyers! She will absolutely fight for what is just and fair for all involved... Divorce after 25 years of marriage with a 12 year old son was the hardest thing I could have imagined but Bree handled my case with compassion and gave me real understanding of the process in terms I could understand. I am forever grateful."

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Our  Difference

"Legal issues bring a unique form of stress to our clients' lives. Litigation can be scary. Ensuring your comfort with the legal process is our paramount focus. We keep our clients informed every step of the way. You can trust us with your situation. We will always have the best interests of you and your family at heart. Your goals are our goals."

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Bree Sullivan-Howell

Attorney at Law

We will always handle your case with compassion.

You are not just another client to us. Your case matters. Whatever situation you are in, we will be there to guide you, day or night, with the support you need. 

We will fight for you.

We understand that your legal matter is of the utmost importance in your life. We will do everything we can to provide you with not only the best counsel but also with aggressive support that leaves no stone unturned and no option unexplored.

We always strive to do the right thing.

Integrity and hard work aren't just concepts to us... they are the way we live our lives. We will provide you with the most ethical counsel we can, so that your matter is resolved appropriately and in a way that meets your long-term goals.

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